Ybreaking Pointdialectical Behavioral Training

  1. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children
  2. Breaking Pointdialectical Behavioral Training Reliaslearning
  3. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Near Me
  4. What Is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Art based experiential methodology for soft skills training bringing behavioural change is at the core of Training Sideways. From entry level freshers to first time managers and from middle management to senior leadership, our training programs have successfully used methods derived from theatre, music, dance , team building games, simulations to create engaging and result oriented training programs. These corporate training programs are customized to the ‘learning objective’ of the organisation and executed in formats of 1 day /2 days /multiple interventions. Over the last 4 years, we are proud to have worked with over 150 clients and delivered 500 workshops across India and Singapore.

By tapping into the EQ of the participant, we strive to unlock the hidden potential of every individual. Simply put, it’s the process of Doing, Feeling, Learning and Applying the Learning in Life.


For entry level employees
For middle Management
For senior Leadership
For entry level employees

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For middle Management

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Thus the development and training of employees for hard and skills and compliance-based needs must be taught, assigned, nurtured, and measured across the employee talent management lifecycle to bring out rich business results.Using the medium of behavioral training modules as well as micro learning modules will also help an organisation and its. Mavraac is amongst one of the best corporate training companies in the NCR region - Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida (India) with certified trainers for behavioural skills training, outbound training, team building workshops, leadership development programs and employee engagement workshops. Behavior - According to E. Scott Geller, behavior refers to acts or actions by individuals that can be observed by others. In other words, behavior is what a person does or says, as opposed to what he or she thinks, feels, or believes.A dead man can’t do it. Must be observable, measurable. Any time, any where, any body. Classical conditioning is a technique frequently used in behavioral training in which a neutral stimulus is paired with a naturally occurring stimulus. Eventually, the neutral stimulus comes to evoke the same response as the naturally occurring stimulus, even without the naturally occurring stimulus presenting itself.

Ybreaking Pointdialectical Behavioral Training

For senior Leadership

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Training with C4BHI clinical instructors

...is always an engaging experience. We design all workshops to stimulate learning and transfer clinical skills and information through dynamic presentations, interactive participation, video vignettes, and essential handouts. Our interactive clinical workshops lead to competencies on a wide range of topics.

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Training Offerings Include:

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy For Children

  • Motivational Interviewing Basics - this training focuses on training the use of initial competence in all essential aspects of using MI to help motivate clients toward change.
  • Motivational Interviewing Advanced - this training builds more advanced skills to elicit change talk with a special focus on understanding and matching readiness and compassionate complex reflections.
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) - this training incorporates the essential skills of MI into a structured intervention based on the four phases of MI sessions to build continued collaboration through reflective feedback discussion and goal setting.
  • SBIRT - Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment - this introductory training covers the methods, tools and interventions for implementing behavioral healthcare into medical settings to increase access efficiently and effectively.
  • Accurate Screening and Assessment for Mental Health and Substance Use Risk - this training introduces participants to a wide range of accurate screening and assessment tools for co-occurring disorders for use within SBIRT-type processes. Tools are reviewed, administered, scored and discussed.
  • Motivational Enhancement Therapy/Cognitive Behavior Therapy combined – this more intensive training promotes the use of these two structured effective interventions for youth, young adults and adult populations (Cannabis Youth Treatment Series vol. 1 & 2; Integrated Change Therapy for Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders). Time in training is spent reviewing and practicing the essential clinical background and skills to implement and build competency to deliver 5-12 sessions for a wide range of needed skills to help promote wellness and recovery from co-occurring disorders.
  • Family Support Network (FSN) - FSN is volume three of the five Cannabis Youth Treatment series interventions. FSN builds on volumes 1 and 2, which focus on direct work with the youth, by engaging caregivers in family sessions to support youth recovery by improving caregivers’ competencies in supporting their loved one’s recovery.
  • Cannabis Clinical Competencies – this training provides essential information and clinical strategies to meet the current and dramatic changes in the legal status, medical applications, social perceptions, methods of use, and marijuana strength. Unique screening and intervention techniques will be addressed and practiced so that participants leave with a richer understanding of cannabis science and clinical competencies to help raise patient awareness for potential impacts from use.

Current or recently completed trainings:

Provided training on Cannabis Clinical Competencies as part of the Virginia SBIRT initiative.

Provided training and practice facilitation in the use of SBIRT across Blueprint for Health practices on behalf of the Department for Vermont Health Access.

Provided MI and CBT trainings and coaching to competency certification as part of the New Jersey Evidenced Based Practice Initiative.

Provided trainings and coaching to competency certification in use of the Cannabis Youth Treatment Series volumes 1, 2, and 3 (MET/CBT and FSN) for the State of South Dakota.

Provided trainings and coaching to competency certification in use of the Cannabis Youth Treatment Series volumes 1 and 2 (MET/CBT) for the State of Iowa’s Department of Public Health.

Breaking Pointdialectical Behavioral Training Reliaslearning

C4BHI has also provided training on behalf of the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, the National Drug Court Institute, and across state agencies, community health services, schools, and tribal communities in Florida, Georgia, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Vermont.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Near Me

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What Is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

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