Revisionsapa Style Templates

Use the document to learn about document revision and revision styles

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Adobe ended the Adobe Story CC service on January 22, 2019. Both Adobe Story CC and the Adobe Story CC (Classic) are discontinued. The Adobe Story CC offline application has also ended. See End of service FAQ for more information.

Available for: Adobe Story Plus

Production revisions are changes to content in production scripts.You can use revisions to identify and print only modified pagesin production scripts.

Revisions are tracked using revision styles. Each revision isassociated with a unique revision style. The revision style youchoose when starting a revision is applied to changed content andpages.


Only authors and co-authors can revision documents.

  1. Ensure that you have completed the following procedurebefore you start revisioning a document:

    1. Act on alltracked changes in your document by accepting or rejecting them.

    2. Disable track changes after you have completed accepting/rejecting trackedchanges.

  2. In Active Revision, select a revision style. The chosen styleis used for all markup in the revision. Ensure that you have notused this revision style previously for another revision.

  3. (Optional) To change the date, color, or formatting optionsassociated with the revision style, click Manage. If you do notspecify a date, the current date is used.

StyleRevisionsapa Style Templates

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To create another revision, select Production > New Revision.Repeat the procedure to revision the document.

Available for: Adobe Story Plus

Adobe® Story has a list of revision stylesthat you could use for your revisions. You can also choose to createyour own revision style. The new style is reflected in the ActiveRevision menu when you start revisioning a document.

  1. Customize the following according to your requirements:

    Choose a color from the color menu. The color is appliedto revised text, and border of pages containing the revisions. Formultiple revisions, the border color of the latest revision is displayed.

    note: Theborder color of pages is not displayed in a printed or exported document.

    The default “*” mark is displayed to the right of revisedcontent. You can choose to customize this identifier using any othersymbol of your choice.

    Indicates the revision date. All revisions to the documenton the specified date can be identified using this revision style.

    Thedate is displayed in the header of revised pages if the option todisplay date in the script header and footer is enabled.

    The selected formatting option is used to display revised text.

  1. Select the style that you want to modify or delete.

    • Click “-” to deletethe style.

    • To modify the style, edit its values, and click Done.

Revisionsapa Style Templates
  1. Select the content from which revision marks must beadded or removed.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To add revision marks,select Production > Add Revision Mark. The current revision styleis applied to the selection.

    • To clear revision marks, select Production > Clear RevisionMark. All revision marks are removed from the selected content.

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