Polls And Votingclone Wars Adventures

Friday, December 18
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
Georgia Senate Run-Off Election - Perdue vs. OssoffTrafalgar Group (R)Ossoff 48, Perdue 50Perdue +2
Georgia Senate Special Election Run-Off - Loeffler vs. WarnockTrafalgar Group (R)Warnock 46, Loeffler 52Loeffler +6

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (comics) Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures is a series of digest-sized graphic novels published by Dark Horse, set in the Clone Wars. They have an art style, pacing, and highly over-the-top storylines similar to the Star Wars: Clone Wars cartoon series. Each volume is 96 pages, with three to four stories. Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures - 8 votes; Lego Star Wars III: The Clone Wars - 22 votes; Again, a total of 33 users voted. Judging from this poll, Lego Star Wars III beat out our other options by a long shot and was the most popular Clone Wars related game. Still, wars are neither won nor lost at the first encounter. The high-flying pedagogue might yet be brought to earth. For Brom Bones was never a man to cry quits. It was upon the occasion of her father's annual Halloween frolic that Katrina again chose to stir the embers of the smoldering rivalry. See also: Bounty Generator, Job Generator, Mission Generator This section details a variety of Adventure and Campaign Modules for use by Gamemasters for a structured and quick-to-put-together session. Adventure Modules are typically single session missions that take between 2-4 hours, while campaigns are meant to take several multi-hour sessions, sometimes encompassing the entirety of the.

Thursday, December 17
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
Georgia Senate Run-Off Election - Perdue vs. OssoffEmersonOssoff 48, Perdue 51Perdue +3
Georgia Senate Special Election Run-Off - Loeffler vs. WarnockEmersonWarnock 48, Loeffler 51Loeffler +3
Wednesday, December 16
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
President Trump Job ApprovalReuters/IpsosApprove 42, Disapprove 56Disapprove +14
President Trump Job ApprovalPolitico/Morning ConsultApprove 41, Disapprove 57Disapprove +16
President Trump Job ApprovalEconomist/YouGovApprove 44, Disapprove 53Disapprove +9
Congressional Job ApprovalEconomist/YouGovApprove 12, Disapprove 67Disapprove +55
Direction of CountryEconomist/YouGovRight Direction 20, Wrong Track 65Wrong Track +45
Direction of CountryPolitico/Morning ConsultRight Direction 29, Wrong Track 71Wrong Track +42
Direction of CountryReuters/IpsosRight Direction 22, Wrong Track 66Wrong Track +44
Tuesday, December 15
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
Georgia Senate Run-Off Election - Perdue vs. OssoffFOX 5/InsiderAdvantageOssoff 48, Perdue 49Perdue +1
Georgia Senate Special Election Run-Off - Loeffler vs. WarnockFOX 5/InsiderAdvantageWarnock 48, Loeffler 49Loeffler +1
Congressional Job ApprovalFOX NewsApprove 27, Disapprove 63Disapprove +36
Monday, December 14
Polls and votingclone wars adventures 2019
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
Direction of CountryRasmussen ReportsRight Direction 28, Wrong Track 62Wrong Track +34
Saturday, December 12
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
Georgia Senate Run-Off Election - Perdue vs. OssoffTrafalgar Group (R)Ossoff 49, Perdue 49Tie
Georgia Senate Special Election Run-Off - Loeffler vs. WarnockTrafalgar Group (R)Warnock 47, Loeffler 50Loeffler +3
Friday, December 11
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
President Trump Job ApprovalFOX NewsApprove 47, Disapprove 52Disapprove +5
Thursday, December 10
Polls And Votingclone Wars Adventures
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
President Trump Job ApprovalThe Hill/HarrisXApprove 49, Disapprove 51Disapprove +2
President Trump Job ApprovalQuinnipiacApprove 44, Disapprove 51Disapprove +7
President Trump Job ApprovalReuters/IpsosApprove 42, Disapprove 56Disapprove +14
Direction of CountryReuters/IpsosRight Direction 24, Wrong Track 64Wrong Track +40
Wednesday, December 9
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
President Trump Job ApprovalNPR/PBS/MaristApprove 42, Disapprove 54Disapprove +12
President Trump Job ApprovalPolitico/Morning ConsultApprove 40, Disapprove 58Disapprove +18
President Trump Job ApprovalEconomist/YouGovApprove 45, Disapprove 52Disapprove +7
Congressional Job ApprovalEconomist/YouGovApprove 13, Disapprove 68Disapprove +55
Direction of CountryEconomist/YouGovRight Direction 20, Wrong Track 67Wrong Track +47
Direction of CountryPolitico/Morning ConsultRight Direction 27, Wrong Track 73Wrong Track +46
Tuesday, December 8
Race/Topic(Click to Sort)PollResultsSpread
President Trump Job ApprovalEmersonApprove 46, Disapprove 48Disapprove +2
Direction of CountryEmersonRight Direction 40, Wrong Track 60Wrong Track +20

After Donald Trump’s political-world-shattering upset of Hillary Clinton, the polling industry finds itself facing an existential crisis. A vast majority of the key polls were not just wrong, they were humiliatingly wrong. Though a very select few — most notably the LA Times, IBD/TIPP, and Trafalgar Group — actually got it about right, most pollsters ended up grossly over-sampling Democrats and failing to account for Trump’s “hidden” supporters. Below is a comparison of the final polling data going into the election Tuesday morning and the final results, which often ended up looking quite different.

On the morning of the election, Real Clear Politics’ average of the national polls showed Clinton with a 3.3% national lead over Trump and a projected Electoral College victory of 272 to 266. Instead, Clinton ended up with only a 2.2% popular vote advantage and suffering a devastating 227 to 304 loss. At no point before the election did the state poll averages show Trump winning the necessary 270 electoral votes.

Below is Real Clear Politic’s No Toss Ups Map, based on the average of the state polls as of election day morning, projecting that Clinton would beat Trump 272 to 266:

Though the poll averages showed Clinton winning Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Trump ended up winning all three, outperforming projections by 3 points, 4.4 points, and a stunning 7.5 points, respectively. Here is how the electoral map actually shaped up: Trump over Clinton, 306 to 232 (Michigan going to Trump and NH to Clinton):

Here is the New York Times‘ graph of their projected electoral vote count, which dramatically shifted over the course of the evening, eventually reaching a 306 to 232 win for Trump:


Below are RCP’s poll averages for sixteen battleground states going into election day, followed by the actual election results. Some of the averages ended up projecting the winner relatively closely, but others were drastically off (including Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio and Michigan). Among the polls used to produce the averages, many were even more wildly divergent from the actual vote, far beyond the margin of error. A majority of the surveys over-projected for Clinton and overestimated third party candidate votes. The states are listed from the most inaccurate to the most accurate projections.

Polls And Votingclone Wars Adventures

WISCONSIN – off by 7+

  • Polls: Clinton+6.5 (46.8 – 40.3)
  • Results: TRUMP +1 (48 – 47)

IOWA – off by 7

  • Polls: Trump+3 (44.3 – 41.3)
  • Results: Trump +10 (52 – 42)

OHIO – off by 4+

  • Polls: Trump +3.5 (45.8 – 42.3)
  • Result: Trump +8 (52 – 44)

MICHIGAN – off by 4+

  • Polls: Clinton +3.4 (45.4 – 42)
  • Results: TRUMP +1 (48 – 47)

MINNESOTA – off by 3

  • Polls: Clinton +5 (45.3 – 40.3)
  • Results: Clinton +2 (47 – 45)

NEVADA – off by 3

  • Polls: Trump +0.8 (45.8 – 45)
  • Results: CLINTON +2 (48 – 46)
Polls And Votingclone Wars Adventures

NEW MEXICO – off by 3

  • Polls: Clinton +5 (45.3 – 40.3)
  • Results: Clinton +8 (48 – 45)


  • Polls: Trump +1 (46.5 – 45.5)
  • Results: Trump +4 (51 – 47)


  • Polls: Clinton +1.9 (46.2 – 44.3)
  • Result: TRUMP +1 (49 – 48)

MAINE – off by 1+

  • Polls: Clinton +4.5 (44 – 39.5)
  • Resutls: Clinton +3 (48 – 45)

ARIZONA – off by 1

  • Polls: Trump +4 (46.3 – 42.3)
  • Results: Trump +5 (50 – 45)

COLORADO – off by 1

  • Polls: Clinton +2.9 (43.3 – 40.4)
  • Results: Clinton +2 (47 – 45)

FLORIDA– close

  • Polls: Trump +0.2 (46.6 – 46.4)
  • Result: Trump +1 (49 – 48)

GEORGIA – close

  • Polls: Trump+4.6 (48.4 – 43.8)
  • Results: Trump +5 (51 – 46)


  • Polls: Clinton+0.6 (43.3 – 42.7)
  • Results: Clinton +1 (48 – 47)

VIRGINIA – correct

  • Polls: Clinton +5 (47.3 – 42.3)
  • Results: Clinton +5 (50 – 45)


The current total popular vote count shows Clinton with just a 0.2% advantage. Heading into election day morning, RCP’s national average for the four-candidate racegave Clinton a 3.3% advantage (45.5 – 42.2). Ten of RCP’s eleven featured polls showed Clinton ahead, her largest lead 6 points (Monmouth). Only one of the eleven polls, IBD/TIPP, gave Trump an advantage (+2 points):

RCP’s head-to-headsurvey average showed Clinton holding an almost identical 3.2-point lead (46.8 to 43.6). Clinton led in nine of RCP’s ten featured polls, her largest lead 6 points (Monmouth). Trump led in only one of the ten polls: the LA Times/USC tracking poll (+3 points), which consistently showed more favorable numbers for the Republican than other polls, a result the pollsters attribute to the survey including a “bloc of disaffected [Trump] voters” ignored by others. IBD/TIPP provided the closest prediction to the actual results: Clinton +1.

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Polls And Voting Clone Wars Adventures Online

On the morning of the election, the average of the betting odds heavily favored Clinton, 81.6% to 18%. Like many other forecasts, the New York Times began its election day projecting Clinton with an over 80% chance of winning. But here’s how the percentages changed when the results started coming in:

After months of skewed data from pollsters and all the failed forecasts, it’s hard to imagine the American people taking the polls quite as seriously in the near future. Trump ended up being right about the “biased” polls. When in doubt, trust what you see with your own eyes.

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This article has been updated to include the final Electoral College and national vote data.