AVG Tune up 2015 serials keys for cracking the software.All these keys work like a charm. Just click activate by license key and type in any of the serials keys given below. Pd Tutorials and HOWTOs? Here is collection of howtos and tutorials in many different languages covering a number of different topics. The following topics has been suggested to merge in to the below list: basic audio, audio synths, audio filters, video effects, video synths, 3D graphics, interfacing with the physical world (HID, arduino, etc), network programming.
Welcome to Tutorials and Howtos, a place of basic and advanced configuration tasks for your Alpine Linux.
The tutorials are hands-on and the reader is expected to try and achieve the goals described in each step, possibly with the help of a good example. The output in one step is the starting point for the following step.
Howtos are smaller articles explaining how to perform a particular task with Alpine Linux, that expects a minimal knowledge from reader to perform actions.
IMPORTANT: contributions on those pages must be complete articles as well as requesting topics to be covered, don't override already made contributions. If you want to request a topic, please add your request in this page's Discussion.
All of those linked pages here will help you make many things over the Alpine Operating System or Alpine OS.
Alpine are the main program named OS (means Operating System), that's runs on top of the machine/PC/laptop, and subsequently over this OS run the programs such like the internet web browser (firefox, chromium), and the web pages like 'facebook' runs over that internet web browser.
New users and Newbies
- Newbie Alpine Ecosystem (for overall information in funny sections)
Installation: Use cases
- Alpine newbie install manual
- Ways to install listed by architectures
Postinstall: desktops and applications
- Overall info and minimal packages common to any working desktop
Developers: compilers, IDE's and tools
- Alpine newbie developer
Servers: deploy in production
- Alpine production deploy
- Alpine production monitoring
- Alpine local backup (lbu)(Permanently store your modifications in case your box needs reboot)
- Setting up Logical Volumes with LVM
How To Tutorials Free
- Setting up iSCSI
- High performance SCST iSCSI Target on Linux software Raid(deprecated)
- Alpine Wall - How-To Alpine Wall - Alpine Wall User's Guide(a new firewall management framework)
- Setting up a ssh-server(Using ssh is a good way to administer your box remotely)
- How to setup a wireless access point(Setting up Secure Wireless AP w/ WPA encryption with bridge to wired network)
- How to set up Alpine as a wireless router(Setting up a firewalled, Wireless AP with wired network on a Pi Zero W)
- Setting up a OpenVPN server with Alpine(Allowing single users or devices to remotely connect to your network)
- Multi_ISP(Dual-ISP setup with load-balancing and automatic failover)
- OwnCloud(Installing OwnCloud)
- Alpine newbie users post install and easy setups
- First packages to install (need the previous Enable repositories) already done!
- Enable Community Repository(Providing additional packages)
- Package Management (apk)(How to add/remove packages on your Alpine)
- Alpine local backup (lbu)(Permanently store your modifications in case your box needs reboot)
- Init System (OpenRC)(Configure a service to automatically boot at next reboot)
- Setting up a ssh-server(Using ssh is a good way to administer your box remotely)
- setup-acf(Configures ACF (webconfiguration) so you can manage your box through https)
- Ansible(Configuration management)
- How to get regular stuff workingsome notes on need-to-know topics
- Xen Dom0(Setting up Alpine as a dom0 for Xen hypervisor)
- KVM(Setting up Alpine as a KVM hypervisor)
- LXC(Setting up a Linux container in Alpine Linux)
Desktop Environment
- dwm(dynamic window manager for X)
- EyeOS(Cloud Computing Desktop)
- Oneye(Cloud Computing Desktop - Dropbox Alternative)
- Owncloud(Cloud Computing Desktop - Dropbox Alternative)
- (to be merged with OwnCloud(Your personal Cloud for storing and sharing your data on-line))
- XFCE Setup and Desktop Ideas
Raspberry Pi
- RPI Video Receiver(network video decoder using Rasperry Pi and omxplayer)
IBM Z (IBM z Systems)
- Setting up Zaptel/Asterisk on Alpine
- FreePBX_V3(FreeSWITCH, Asterisk GUI web acces tool)
- 2600hz(FreeSWITCH, Asterisk GUI web access tool)
- Kamailio(SIP Server, formerly OpenSER)
- Hosting services on Alpine(Hosting mail, webservices and other services)
- ISP Mail Server HowTo
- ISP Mail Server 2.x HowTo(Beta, please test)
- Roundcube(Webmail system)
- Lighttpd
- Nginx
- Apache
- High Availability High Performance Web Cache(uCarp + HAProxy for High Availability Services such as Squid web proxy)
- Setting up Transparent Squid Proxy
- SqStat(Script to look at active squid users connections)
- Obtaining user information via SNMP(Using squark-auth-snmp as a Squid authentication helper)
- Drupal(Content Management System (CMS) written in PHP)
- WordPress(Web software to create website or blog)
- MediaWiki(Free web-based wiki software application)
Other Servers
- Setting up a ssh-server(Using ssh is a good way to administer your box remotely)
- Setting up a samba-server(standard file sharing)
- Setting up a samba-ad-dc(Active Directory compatible domain controller)
- Phpizabi(Social Networking Platform)
- Statusnet(Microblogging Platform)
- Pastebin(Pastebin software application)
- Patchwork(Patch review management system)
- Redmine(Project management system)
- Request-Tracker(Ticket system)
- OsTicket(Ticket system)
- Trac(Enhanced wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects)
- Cgit
- Roundcube(Webmail system)
- Glpi(Manage inventory of technical resources)
How To Tutorials In Vcarve Desktop
- NgIRCd(Server for Internet Relay Chat/IRC)
- How To Setup Your Own IRC Network(Using charybdis and atheme-iris)
- OpenVCP(VServer Control Panel)
- Mahara(E-portfolio and social networking system)
- DNSCrypt-ProxyEncrypt and authenticate DNS calls from your system
Howtos And Tutorials Tutorial
- Setting up collectd
- Cacti: traffic analysis and monitoring network(Front-end for rrdtool networking monitor)
- LTTng(Kernel and userspace tracing)
- Zabbix(Monitor and track the status of network services and hardware)
- Setting up A Network Monitoring and Inventory System(Nagios + OpenAudit and related components)
- Setting up NRPE daemon(Performs remote Nagios checks)
- Smokeping(Network latency monitoring)
- Ntop(NetFlow collection and analysis using a remote fprobe instance)
- Cvechecker(Compare installed packages for Common Vulnerabilities Exposure)
- Obtaining user information via SNMP(Using squark-auth-snmp as a Squid authentication helper)
- SqStat(Script to look at active squid users connections)
- Piwik(A real time web analytics software program)
- Awstats(Free log file analyzer)
- Intrusion Detection using Snort
- Dglog(Log analyzer for the web content filter DansGuardian)
- Webmin(A web-based interface for Linux system)
- PhpPgAdmin(Web-based administration tool for PostgreSQL)
- PhpMyAdmin(Web-based administration tool for MYSQL)
- PhpSysInfo(A simple application that displays information about the host it's running on)
Complete Solutions
- ISP Mail Server HowTo(Postfix+PostfixAdmin+DoveCot+Roundcube+ClamAV+Spamd - A full-serivce ISP mail server)
- ISP Mail Server 2.x HowTo(Beta, please test)
- High Availability High Performance Web Cache(uCarp + HAProxy for High Availability Services such as Squid web proxy)
- Setting up A Network Monitoring and Inventory System(Nagios + OpenAudit and related components)
- Dynamic Multipoint VPN (DMVPN) combined with Small_Office_Services