Context And Exigence Classroom Poster (digital Download)

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Home > Student Works > Undergraduate Research Symposium > 2019 > Poster Session > 29


Examining Attitudes About Autism Based on Awareness: A Program Evaluation

  1. This poster will present data collected from surveys to show that there is a need and a desire for more awareness of autism spectrum disorder. It will also draw from research done at a local middle/high school to determine if students themselves feel a need for autism awareness.
  2. By using our poster templates and printing services, your poster will professionally present your scientific research. Our goal is to make you look good! Download the PowerPoint template for the size you need, add your text, images and graphics and order online. There are some helpful tips provided on the poster template.
  3. Middle School Context Clues Worksheet Lesson Activity - Look Around! Article by The Dabbling Speechie- Speech Therapy Ideas & Activities. Context Clues Worksheets Vocabulary Worksheets School Worksheets Context Clues Activity 5th Grade Context Clues Vocabulary In Context 6th Grade Worksheets Reading Worksheets Middle School Reading.

Author Information

The poster summarizes and analyzes data collected from Fall 2008 through Fall 2009 and demonstrates the value of students'perspectives, values, and opinions using fidget toys in the classroom. Fidget toys were used to redirect student attention to in-class topic material and to create a productive, focused teaching and learning environment. Data was collected, using a twelve question Likert. Passages that even your most reluctant readers will love. If you feel lost in a wilderness of irrelevant word lists and awkward vocabulary passages, it’s time to try something new. This package includes 30 student editions and 1 Teacher's Edition. Learn more about Vocabulary in Context.


Many people do not have a strong knowledge or general understanding of autism spectrum disorder. Research shows that knowledge of autism spectrum disorder relates to individuals’ attitudes towards people with autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, if a person does not have a strong knowledge of autism spectrum disorder, then that individual is more likely to misinterpret/misunderstand behaviors of an individual with autism, which then relates to more bullying and/or social isolation of individuals with autism. Due to children with autism often being misunderstood within school systems and classrooms, raising awareness and increasing knowledge of autism on a school level will benefit the school. A rise in knowledge of autism within the classroom will decrease bullying and increase positive attitudes towards individuals with autism. This presentation will focus on the evaluation of a local autism support center that aims to increase knowledge and awareness of autism spectrum disorder. The results of the evaluation show if their process of raising awareness and knowledge of autism is effective and what can be done to improve the process. This poster will present data collected from surveys to show that there is a need and a desire for more awareness of autism spectrum disorder. It will also draw from research done at a local middle/high school to determine if students themselves feel a need for autism awareness. The presentation provides recommendations for program improvement, including increased trainings for teachers and students.

Presenting Author Name/s

Kristen Conner

Faculty Advisor

Kristy L. Carlisle

Presentation Type



Other Social and Behavioral Sciences

Session Title

Poster Session


Learning Commons @ Perry Library, Northwest Atrium

Start Date

2-2-2019 8:00 AM

End Date

2-2-2019 12:30 PM



Difference Between Context And Exigence

Feb 2nd, 8:00 AMFeb 2nd, 12:30 PM

Examining Attitudes About Autism Based on Awareness: A Program Evaluation

Learning Commons @ Perry Library, Northwest Atrium

Speaker Purpose Audience Context Exigence

Many people do not have a strong knowledge or general understanding of autism spectrum disorder. Research shows that knowledge of autism spectrum disorder relates to individuals’ attitudes towards people with autism spectrum disorder. Specifically, if a person does not have a strong knowledge of autism spectrum disorder, then that individual is more likely to misinterpret/misunderstand behaviors of an individual with autism, which then relates to more bullying and/or social isolation of individuals with autism. Due to children with autism often being misunderstood within school systems and classrooms, raising awareness and increasing knowledge of autism on a school level will benefit the school. A rise in knowledge of autism within the classroom will decrease bullying and increase positive attitudes towards individuals with autism. This presentation will focus on the evaluation of a local autism support center that aims to increase knowledge and awareness of autism spectrum disorder. The results of the evaluation show if their process of raising awareness and knowledge of autism is effective and what can be done to improve the process. This poster will present data collected from surveys to show that there is a need and a desire for more awareness of autism spectrum disorder. It will also draw from research done at a local middle/high school to determine if students themselves feel a need for autism awareness. The presentation provides recommendations for program improvement, including increased trainings for teachers and students.