7th Grade Elamrs. Land 7th Grade Ela

  • Students explore the experiences of people of Southern Sudan during and after the Second Sudanese Civil War. Students build proficiency in using textual evidence to support ideas in their writing, both in shorter responses and in an extended essay. They read A Long Walk To Water, analyzing the points of view of the central characters, Salva and Nya. Students focus on one key theme: how individuals survive in challenging environments. The novel is paried with complex informational texts on Sudan. Students then combine research about Sudan with quotes from the novel, and craft a research-based two-voice poem.

Land 7th Grade ELA: Home About Contact 7th Grade ELA NJHS Student Links/Downloads ELA (AE) Battle of the Books ElA Blog Websites and Links   ELA Links, Assessment links, and question stem.

  • Land 7th Grade ELA: Home About Contact 7th Grade ELA NJHS Student Links/Downloads ELA (AE) Battle of the Books ElA Blog National Junior Honor Society   About Us Who We Are: National Junior Honor Society, or NJHS is a worldwide organization that consists of middle school students around the country. Selection of members is based on.
  • Reading Short Stories To Understand Plot, Character & Author's Purpose. Location: 7th Grade English/Language Arts Description: In this unit students will practice comprehension skills while enhancing their knowledge and understanding of plot, character and author's purpose.
  • Students in 7th Grade ELA will spend a third of their time studying the finer points of grammar, spelling and vocabulary. Over the course of the year they will complete 30 or more weeks of Common Core aligned daily grammar study called Daily Language Review this is in addition to rigorous grammar studies that coincide with our Module texts.

2. Working with Evidence (Drama): Identify and Transformation: Then and Now

  • Students explore the concept of personal identity formation and transformation in both historical and modern-day societies. They read first-person narratives that focus on various social identifiers -- from race to gender to socioeconomic status -- and they also read informational text in order to frame their understanding of what identity means. Students closely read Pygmalion and further explore the identity transformation of the play's main character, Eliza Doolittle. To conclude the marking period, students analyze the impact of gender roles and stereotypes in personal identity development as influenced by the media and advertising in order to create a 'counter ad' that does not rely on gender-specific stereotypes.

3. Understanding Perspectives: Slavery - The People Could Fly

  • This marking period focuses on the autobiography of Frederick Douglass, with specific attention to understanding how he uses language in powerful ways and how he tells his story in order to serve his purpose of working to abolish slavery. Student begin by building excerpts from his Narrative, focusing on his message as well as the author's craft. Finally, they select one episode form the Narrative and rewrite it as a children's story, using Frederick Douglass: The Last Day of Slavery as a mentor text.

4. Reading and Research: Screen Time and the Developing Brain

  • Students explore adolescent brain development and the effects of entertainment screen time on the brain. Students read informational texts to build background knowledge about adolescent brain development in general. Then they begin to focus on the issue of screen time and how it may affect teenagers. Students evaluate the soundless of reasoning and the sufficiency and relevancy of evidence in argument texts and media. They five deeper into first, the potential benefits and then, the potential risks, of screen time by participating in a robust research project. Students finish the module by writing a position paper and creating a visual representation of their paper.

We will also work with reading group fiction & nonfiction

Independent Books

Byram values reading! Because we value reading, we require our students to read independently texts that they choose. We monitor student reading progress, make recommendations about new things students might like to try, and give students an opportunity to interact and to develop reading skills through independent reading. We both support and hold students accountable for this reading.

Accountable Independent Reading has five purposes:•1 To engage and motivate students in learning things they care about•2 To promote students’ love of reading•3 To build students’ vocabulary: reading a lot exposes students to new words and ideas•4 To build students’ knowledge about the world (through both fiction and informational text)•5 To build students’ reading “stamina”: their ability to read harder texts for longer periods of time

A system is set up in which students set goals for their reading, keep a reading log (about the text and their own opinions about the book), and write reviews of the texts they are reading. Ask your student to share these documents with you. Be sure you know your child’s reading goals so you can support him/her on staying on track,celebrating successes, and problem-solving as needed.

Course: Argument Analysis Using Informational Text

Instructor: Shenica Bridges - Mathieu

7th grade english worksheets printable

Office Hours: 8am-6:30 pm Monday - Friday (room 909)

Location: Freedom Middle School

Contact: shenica_bridges_mathieu@fc.dekalb.k12.ga.us

Google Voice: 770-322-4743

Audience: This course is designed for7th grade English Language Learners who have multiple ethnicities: Burmese, Spanish, Nepali, Ethiopian, Sudanese, Arab, etc. Most students range in age from 12-14. The average time in the United States for the students is three years, so there are multiple levels of English Proficiency. Those levels range according to the WIDA standards, and they are from level 1-level 5. Based off a learning styles assessment, the majority of the students are artistic because 40% of the students have that as there number one strength. A third of the students have good intrapersonal and interpersonal stability, and about 20% are musical. The majority of these students have basic computer skills that they have acquired through school, but they don’t have access to a computer or the internet at home, so this module will have to be accessed during school hours.


7. RI.1 Cite several pieces of textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

7. RI.2 Determine two or more central ideas in a text and analyze their development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text

7. RI.3 Analyze the interactions between individuals, events, and ideas in a text (e.g., how ideas influence individuals or events, or how individuals influence ideas or events)

7. RI.7 Compare and contrast a text to an audio, video, or multimedia version of the text, analyzing each medium's portrayal of the subject (e.g., how the delivery of a speech affects the impact of the words).

7. RI.8 Trace and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, assessing whether the reasoning is

Sound and the evidence are relevant and sufficient to support the claims.

7. RI.9 Analyze how two or more authors writing about the same topic shape their presentations of key

7th Grade Elamrs. Land 7th Grade Ela Teks

Information by emphasizing different evidence or advancing different interpretations of facts.

Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity

7. RI.10 By the end of the year read and comprehend literary nonfiction in the grades 6-8 text complexity

band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.

Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas

7. SL.4 Present claims and findings, emphasizing salient points in a focused, coherent manner with pertinent

descriptions, facts, details, and examples; use appropriate eye contact, adequate volume, and clear


7. W.1 Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.


a. Introduce claim(s), acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and

evidence logically.

b. Support claim(s) with logical reasoning and relevant evidence, using accurate, credible sources

and demonstrating an understanding of the topic or text.

c. Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s),

reasons and evidence.

d. Establish and maintain a formal style.

e. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented.

Student Learning Objectives: By the end of this module, 7th grade ESOL students-will know do the following:

  • React to the context of the article “Looking Good: The Psychology and Biology of Beauty” using academic and content vocabulary (claim, counterclaim, psychology, symmetry, and valid).
  • Use technology to compare and contrast text to an audio version.
  • Evaluate and Analyze arguments
  • Cite textual evidence to support what is written and implied in a text.
  • Write a rebuttal argument using a formulaic template in order to understand the process of argumentative writing.

Prerequisite Skills: The students will need to have dictionary search skills, basic computer skills, basic research skills, including some ability to search the Internet, use Microsoft Word, download plug-ins, and do quizzes online.

Duration/Time Needed: 2 weeks

Brief Description of the Content: In this module, 7th grade ESOL middle school students will be introduced to informational text that will incite debate 1) to master oral language skills 2) to help them understand how to read and evaluate informational text 3) to help them develop their argumentative writing skills they will need to work in the 21st Century. Initially students will become acquainted with the appropriate vocabulary to help them navigate the reading and comprehension of the task. The 7th graders will also listen to an audio version of the texts being analyzed while reading the text in order to aid in understanding. English language learners be involved in a debate and discussion simulation in order to prepare themselves to work in groups or independently. This module will also include

1) instruction and practice in evaluating the pros and cons with a specific topic, established guidelines for debating orally and on paper; and 2) discussion how ideas influence individuals or events or how individuals influence ideas or events.

Activities/Instructional Strategies:


Familiarize 7th grade ESOL students with the vocabulary necessary to complete the tasks (e.g. (claim, counterclaim, psychology, symmetry, and valid).

  1. Have the students do vocabulary graphic organizers and multiple choice activities to show that they understand the necessary vocabulary.
  1. Take a pre-assessment test to determine how well the student is familiar with the application of the standards that will be covered.
  1. Listen to the audio version of the text on the school computers
  1. Identifying the previously taught vocabulary that was used.
  2. Acquaint the students with some useful websites that might help them to get a visual of words that they are still struggling with from the text. (see a list of sites at the end of the module)
  3. Use basic English skills to discuss your analysis of the text versus the audio version.
  1. Using a lesson on the preformatted Analysis Essay Template as a model
    1. Review the format of an essay.
    2. Review the differences that argumentative essays take on.
7th grade grammar review worksheet
  1. Review transition words and phrasing that is used in the essay
  2. Apply understanding of the argumentative essay format using the Analysis template and the essay sentence starters.
  3. Identify strategies for evaluating speeches or essays.
  4. Assign pre-service teachers to create ELL support for a lesson in a different discipline, for example, a history lesson on the Lewis and Clark expedition.
7th Grade Elamrs. Land 7th Grade Ela
  1. The students will become familiar with reading strategies and graphic organizers especially helpful to ELL. They will also have a total of two group work task cards to complete.
  2. The students will take a post assessment.
  3. The students will turn in a formulaic argumentative essay.

Resources/Materials: Consultations with a linguistics and/or ESL teacher.

Hillocks, George Jr. Teaching Argument Writing. Portsmouth: Heinemann, 2011.

The following worksheets and handouts will need to be downloaded from my Teachers Pay Teachers store and the follow url: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Store/Shackles-Off-My-Learning (The students will not have to pay for the products that I have listed. If there is a price, I will print out the document or email it to them for free.)

  1. Differentiated Task Cards - non-fiction text (see non-fiction slides)

2. Non - Fiction Article to Address ELA Common Core Standards: http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Non-Fiction-Article-to-Address-ELA-Common-Core-Standards-497939 3. Essay Sentence Starters http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Essay-Sentence-Starters-728698 4. Reading Informational Text: Key Ideas and Details – Differentiated Activities http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Reading-Informational-Text-Key-Ideas-and-Details-Differentiated-Activities-728851 5. Task Card for Comparing and Contrasting a Text to its Audio or Video Version http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Task-Card-for-Comparing-and-Contrasting-a-Text-to-its-Audio-or-Video-Version-937639 6. Analysis of an Argument Performance Task Template http://www.teacherspayteachers.com/Product/Analysis-of-an-Argument-Performance-Task-Template-937984

Learner Support: Students will be able to consult with the teacher or a peer teacher for additional learner support. In addition, they can use the classroom computers to watch mini lessons and instructional “how to” videos.

Technology Useful the task:

www.teacherspayteachers.com – the students will need to be able to download the forms necessary to complete the class at home or at the library etc.

Karins ESL Partyland for ESL Students and Teachers:http://eslpartyland.com

two sections, one for teachers and one for students. The teacher section contains lesson plans and reproducible material. The site also has an Internet scavenger hunt for students working in pairs.

Interesting Things for ESL Students: www.ManyThings.orgThis is a good site for vocabulary development. Activities are fun games, puzzles, interactive quizzes.

7th Grade Elamrs. Land 7th Grade Ela Language Arts

Ask Mr. ESL: http://gepc.org/ESL

Students can 1) ask a question about English; 2) view archives of past questions and answers; 3) subscribe to receive e-mail messages from the site twice a week.

7th grade elamrs. land 7th grade ela curriculum

Sandy’s Grammar Rules: http://faculty.ccc.edu/selbaum

This site can also be accessed via Google.com by entering the site name. The site contains at least 150 grammar rules with examples and practice exercises. It’s interactive, animated, and fun.


Pretest: to evaluate the students’ initial mastery of the standards developed prior to 7th grade.

Posttest – to evaluate mastery of the standards taught.

Student Assessment Rubric: The students will grade each other on how well they participated in the group discussions.

Portfolio: students will demonstrate their argument skills by using a template to create an argumentative essay. It will include online work in reading, writing, and grammar.

4th Grade Ela Practice Worksheets

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7th Grade Elamrs. Land 7th Grade Ela Curriculum

Course Summary:


7th Grade Grammar Review Worksheet

This course content is offered under a CC Attribution license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.